Dengan segala hormat sukacita saya merujuk memorandum Penolong Pengarah (Menengah), Bahagian Pendidikan Menengah, Jabatan Sekolah-sekolah, Kementerian Pendidikan, Negara Brunei Darussalam Bil. KP/M/N(D) bertarikh 4 Rabilakhir ,1430 / 31 Mac 009 dan salinan surat Kedutaan Besar Negara Brunei Darussalam di Republik Rakyat China rujukan BEB:4/2/8 bertarikh 19 Februari 2009 mengenai perkaradi atas.
Sehubungan dengan itu sukacita saya memetik dan memaklumkan senarai Institusi dan penempatan kemasukan bagi mahasiswa antarabangsa dalam bidang Pendidikan Perubatan klinikal dalam Bahasa Inggeris sesi 2009/2010 saperti surat Jiao Wai Zhao yang di terjemahkan oleh pihak kedutaan.
The Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy of Brune Darussalam in Beijing and has the honour to inform as follows, with reference to the Name List of Institutions and List Enrollment Placements for Undergraduate Clinical Medical Education in English for International Students 2009/2010.
According to the 3oth Article of the Interim Provisions for Quality Control Standard on Undergraduates Medical Education in English for International Students in China ( The Interim Provisions was sent to the esteemed Embassy last year), the Ministry of Education has designated enrollment placements for 2009/2010 for 28 institutions. Institution that are not mentioned in the list will not be allowed to enrol international students for the undergraduate clinical or oral medical in English. The name list of Instituions and list of enrollment placements may be downloaded from website (
The Departmen of International cooperation and Exhanges seeks the kind assistance of the esteemed Embassy to convey the above-mentioned information to the relevant Department in charge of dispatching students to overseas institutions and medical administration sectors in the esteemed country.
The Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education of the People Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Brunei Darussalam in Beijing the assurances of its highest consideration.
Name List of Institution and List of Enrollment Placements for Undergraduates Clinical Medical Education in English or International Students 209/2010;
Capital Medical UniversityTianjin Medical UniversityDalian Medical UniversityChina Medical UniversityJilin Medica UniversityHarbin Medical University
Fudan UniversitySouthest University
Nanjing Medical UniversitySoochow UniversityZhejiang UniversityWenzhou Medical CollageShandong UniversityZhengzhou UniversityWulan University
Huazhong University of Science & TechnologyCentral South UniversitySouthernMedical University
Guangxi Medical UniversitySichuan UniversityChongoing University of Medical SciencesXi'an Jiaotong UniversityNantong UniversityFujian Mediacal UniversityAnhui MedicalUniversityHebei Medical UniversitySekian di maklumkan.